1. Podpora teži in obremenitvi karoserije: Podpora teži karoserije, osebja, prtljage itd., V glavnem uporablja prostornino zraka in tlak vpnevmatikeda podpira težo in obremenitev karoserije, zato je zelo pomembno, da vzdržujete ustrezen notranji zračni tlak.
2. Prenos pogonske sile in zavorne sile: Če želite, da se avto premakne naprej ali ustavi, je treba moč motorja in zavor prenesti na cesto. To je predvsem posledica trenja gume v pnevmatikah. Nagnjen je k prostem teku in drsenju, kar je zelo nevarno.
3. Spremenite in vzdržujte smer avtomobila: Avto zavije v želeno smer ali se nadaljuje v ravni črti pod nadzorom voznika. Ta funkcija se v glavnem izvaja s pomočjo trenja in elastičnostipnevmatiko rubber and the firmness of the pnevmatiko structure. Once the speed is over when turning If you quickly exceed the limit of the pnevmatiko, you will not be able to go in the direction you want to turn, which is very dangerous, so please pay attention to the speed when riding.
4. Alleviate the impact from the road surface: This is the so-called "driving comfort" performance, which can alleviate the bumpy impact caused by the uneven road surface. This function is mainly through the air volume and pressure in the pnevmatiko, the elasticity of the rubber, and the structure of the pnevmatiko. Elastic, so the pnevmatiko pressure is too high or too low will not work, please maintain the appropriate pnevmatikopritisk.